September 28, 2008

Kasihku Abadi

Kamar hatiku, sekian lama
Suram dan sepi, kekosongan
Aku mencari insan sejati
Untuk menemani hidupku

Adam dan Hawa diciptakanNya
Disemai rasa kasih sayang
Agar bersemi ketenangan
Dan kedamaian di hati


Moga impian kan dirahmati
Dipertemukan serikandi
Susah dan senang sama harungi
Demi cinta yang hakiki

September 25, 2008

"And make the Glorious Quran, O God, the light of our hearts, the clarity of our eyes, the remedy for our illnesses, the atonement of our sins, and our savior from the Fire, O Lord of Majesty and Honor."

September 24, 2008

September 09, 2008

O Allah, I shelter behind you from all deeds that will displease you. O Allah, I ask for the most essential, the most clean, and the honor You bestow. O Allah, do not make me so busy that I fall into the forgetfulness of those who forget You. May I be worthy of Your approval. O Allah, make me a servant remembered only for loving You, hoping for nothing from his worship! O Allah, fill my heart with joy from You, purify my tongue with Your Names, let my limbs labor on tasks You will find good and of which You will approve. O Allah, eliminate all traces, memories, recollections, and feelings that are not of You!
Junayd al-Bagdadi